Case Law
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黃偉成 v 交通銀行股份有限公司
Specific supply contract of goods. Implied term. Credit agreement. Fraudulent misrepresentation
Skk (H.k.) Co Ltd 對 Tsui Po Hing及另一人
Doctrine of res. Subsequent proceedings claims. Abuse of process. Total sum
Tsui Po Hing及另一人 對 Skk (H.k.) Co Ltd
Doctrine of res. Subsequent proceedings claims. Abuse of process. Total sum
Hksar v Leung Wing Keung Albert
Stay of criminal proceedings. Privileged communications into evidence. False simulated tests. Legal advice. Fair trial
Anz Commodity Trading Pty Ltd v Excellence Raise Overseas Ltd And Others
Costs order. Security for costs. Notice of appeal. Application for extension of time
Sagao Leah Reynon v Torture Claims Appeal Board / Non-refoulement Claims Petition Office
Notice of appeal. Risk of persecution. General principles. Judicial review
Wu Jiunn-der v Fesl Trading Ltd
Stay of execution. Hearing of the appeal. Garnishee order. Judgment debtor
Deines-pollan Services Llc v Lian Shun International Trading Ltd
Bona fide purchaser. Fide purchaser defence. Applicable principles for summary judgment. Good title
Re Deng Jiang
Bankruptcy order. Costs for a debtor. Permanent residence. Enforcement proceedings. Grounds in opposition
Re Xj International Holdings Co Ltd
Bond certificate. Notice for redemption. Trust deed. Exercise of the put option